Using a quiz in education increases students motivation and engagement.Post author:Rui PradaPost published:November 6, 2020Post category:NewsPost comments:0 CommentsThe IMPRESS projects has worked on a systematic mapping that selected and studied the most relevant studies on the use of quizzes in education. We found that students engagement and motivation increase in and outside of the classroom. You Might Also Like Students answering the class quiz in the flipped classroom Software Engineering course. March 9, 2020 IMPRESS Quizzes platform first pilot September 15, 2019 2nd Multiplier Event 21 and 22th of November 2019 Madrid. Serious Games applied to teaching in Software Engineering November 13, 2019Leave a Reply Cancel replyCommentEnter your name or username to commentEnter your email address to commentEnter your website URL (optional) two × = two
Students answering the class quiz in the flipped classroom Software Engineering course. March 9, 2020
2nd Multiplier Event 21 and 22th of November 2019 Madrid. Serious Games applied to teaching in Software Engineering November 13, 2019