Wrap up of the IMPRESS project! Goals and achievements.
Code Defenders is a game that aims to engage students with software testing. Players compete over a Java class under test by producing tests and mutants, i.e., artificial faults, scoring…
At 14:30, Wishnu Prasetya, Craig Leek, Roan Oosenbrug, Petar Kostic, Mike de Vries will present "Can Learning Formal Specification Be Fun? - Experience and Perspective" 16:15 - At 16:30, Gordon…
Students of the Open University The Netherlands are using FormalZ to learn about formal specifications. There performance will be monitored to write up the final evaluation of the tools for…
Planning the last year of the project that basically consists of assessing the delivered outputs: The Quiz repository, Code Defenders and FormalZ.
The European Project Space at PROFES 2019 provides an opportunity for researchers involved in ongoing and/or recently completed research projects (national, European and international) related to the topics of the…
The IMPRESS multiplier event has kicked off this afternoon the 21st of November, with demos / hands-on-lab sessions of FormalZ (+Analytics) and CodeDefenders with computer science students at the Universidad Complutense de…
PROFES, the International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement, is among the top recognized software development and process improvement conferences. The 20th edition of PROFES will be held in Barcelona,…